Saturday, January 1, 2011


Wow what a day! I woke up very early with a song in my heart...."Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I go from your presence...If I go up to the heavens, you are there, if I go down to the grave you are there."

But this day has been anything but a song. Chaotic little ones and dinner at our house for the family....nothing extravagant just some collards and black-eyed peas ect... I chose this picture because it's simply beautiful and reminds me of my honeymoon...very tranquil without a kid in sight! ;)

I have been trying to get a moment to sit still and write, to just have a moment that a little one wasn't pulling on my every emotion. So here it is. 7:45pm.

I'm doing a little challenge this year along with the Beth Moore and the Siesta's....very very excited about that. You memorize scripture throughout the year as a community through her blog. Post *your* memory verse on her site on the 1st and the 15th. So by the end of the year you will have memorized 24 verses. I've been wanting a challenge with this for a while. Pastor John at Liberty Church - Marietta always encouraged us to memorize not just verses but chapters and books of the Bible. He asked, What would you do if you didn't have a Bible or devotional or much less Internet to refer to? Good question....

So, let's hide His word in our one can take that from you. And daily battles will be much less time consuming if you have memorized your "weapon strategy", right?

I am taking the challenge with a this in mind.

Psalms 139 is my first chapter to memorize. (hince the song in my head) Exactly 24 verses, perfect for the challenge!

My first verse for 1-1-11 is:

O' Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. Psalms 139:1

I can't think of a better verse to start off this year...because through all of the chaos, misunderstandings, or feeling inadequate. I know He knows everything about me. He knows everything. I rest in that this evening....